Monday, March 22, 2010
I love Grass
So last week I was perusing Apartment Therapy and saw the coolest drying rack for dishes. It's grass, by Boon.. Well I just had to go and see it for myself, in person. I knew I was going to be in the City on Saturday so I went online to find out where it was available. And where did I find it? Target! Also it was only $14.99. (online the cheapest I could find was $17.99 + shipping). I bought 2. Fabulous. It's compact, fits under the cupboards, giving me more counter space. It holds all the dishes without them rolling all over each other. Its personality fits perfectly in my old green and yellow kitchen. I never knew a dish rack could send me to such levels of excitement. I might even go and get some more flower dish scrubbers and have a garden.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Metal Chair I saw you sitting there.....
So I found this little beauty, okay soon to be beauty at an estate sale in Berkeley for $5. I know, the metal furniture gods were with me on that overcast, misty Saturday morning. Poor orphan had been abandoned outside, left out to suffer, its fabric cracking in the rain. Thank goodness these people did not know what a gem they had.
I snatched her up, put a little aqua merrimecko fabric from the Discount fabric store and voila. One sunny afternoon kick'in it by the pool inspired make over.
All it took was a little elbow grease, $10 bucks, some borrowed sockets, and a bit of creativity.
Wacky Wednesday
Wow what a crazy Day!!!!! Is it a full moon? Are the planets out of whack or is it just Me??? Thank goodness the day is almost over. Too much sweet tea last night had me up till 1am. Yikes. Tossing and turning. Not to mention lots of protests from the little ones today. And my living rooms looks like the suite from The Hangover. Minus all the fun that went into making such a mess. If a mess is to be made I sure as hell want to have a bang up time making it. As I used to say when I was a wee one and I would see gigantic messes is movies "Who's going to clean up that MESS????" I guess in this movie it will have to be me. So let's turn up a little Michael Franti, and maybe even some Social D and get this clean up party started. Forecast says Thursday should be a bit smoother sailing with less turbulence.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ode to my Balcony
Ode to my balcony
When the weathers nice and hot
You are definitely the spot
To laze in the sun and catch some winks
Boy this winter sure does stink
So when the time does arise
When the plants come back alive
I will be sure to enjoy your splendor
Sipping frozen concoctions from my blender
When the weathers nice and hot
You are definitely the spot
To laze in the sun and catch some winks
Boy this winter sure does stink
So when the time does arise
When the plants come back alive
I will be sure to enjoy your splendor
Sipping frozen concoctions from my blender
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Alameda ~ March 2010 Edition
Last Sunday was Alameda, as in the Alameda Antiques Faire. A monthly junking adventure for those serious junksters, hipsters, fab gay boys, and anyone looking for an excuse to get get a bit of sun and partake in some serious people watching. Pretty much a busy body haven.

Here are the usual suspects. Oma's not big on Michael Franti, "You KNOW I don't like this rap type music", ah but she did ask me to turn up Hey World. The little one was grumpy wanting "Hey where you going today", and stitch was just glad he had stowed away in the back.
Here are a few of my daughters favorite things. I have no idea what's up with the fascination with the porta pottie. But my usual baby monk who is normally camel like in her liquid retention cannot resist them. THREE 3 Three times she had to go potty. REALLY????? Thank goodness she's big enough to take care of business as I watch from afar with a scrunched up face.
She likes the tiki bar because it's bamboo, she can crawl up on the big stool, and "mommy wouldn't it be cool to drink pina coladas in this in the mermaid cove? That's my girl!!! This coconut does not fall far from the palm tree.

Do you notice a theme here? Looks kinda like the living room.
Ahhh....Another exciting adventure. There were some treasures to be had this month, a few of which found their way cruising back to the beach house.
Can you guess which ones?
Stay tuned.......
next time we'll have a competition for the best wagon seen at the Alameda
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Fuzzy get off the drum
Funny thing about having a beach house. Interesting things find their way inside. Of course I have an old surf board in the bedroom, several tikis, vintage hula dolls in various states of undress, and a ukuleles here and there. One of my favorite things is the stand up drum in the living room. Or as the man who sold it to me at Alameda calls it a side table. Hmm really? Looks like a drum to me. Back to my rock'in drum. Today my very furry, very orange cat Fuzzy, has discovered the drum. Discovered that he fits perfectly on the drum and that the view from the top of the drum as he cleans himself is one of the best in the house. He has calculated that if he is able to maintain his position on top of the drum for a bit longer he may even get a bit of sun from the west facing window. So I have heard myself several time today exclaim "Fuzzy GET OFF the DRUM" Does he listen? No he's a cat. A cat who obviously has temporary hearing loss. Don't worry friends, it will soon be cured when I begin to cook some chicken for dinner tonight.

Back to my post. After a few hours of detouring. Thanks PG & E woman for waking up all the kids to tell me that you are going to put some gizmo on my meters so you can monitor my usage from a nice warm seat in front of a computer. Feel a little bad for the meter reader who use to enjoy strolling through neighborhoods ignoring the barking dogs. Hey at least now you don't have to climb through all the palms and over the orange netting at my diggs. Hope your new job and/or re-training retains the excitement and freedom that you enjoyed.
Back to Fuzzy. After a three hour tour one wonders, how does one get a 15+ lb cat off their drum? Oh but Dorthy you had the power all along. Simply click your heels and sit at the computer so he can come sit in your lap of course. Such a simple solution. Now if only I could stand up.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Welcome to my blog. Let me introduce myself. A fabulous structure constructed of wood a few years, decades ago, I'm a beach house. Although I am situated a little ways from the beach in the wine country of Northern California, in my soul there is sand at my back door. A drum, a steel guitar and ukulele can be heard playing on my veranda while the girls are lounging on the chaise, giggling and sipping pina coladas waving to the fire boys as they pass. My inhabitants include a young at heart crafty mama and a precocious wavy haired little girl. Don't let my calm white exterior fool you. Inside my color palette hints of Hawaii, South Beach, the Caribbean and Key West. Hope you enjoy the following musings from this little bit of heaven. Don't forget it's not always where you're at, but what's in your soul that brings the sand and the surf to your front door.
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