Funny thing about having a beach house. Interesting things find their way inside. Of course I have an old surf board in the bedroom, several tikis, vintage hula dolls in various states of undress, and a ukuleles here and there. One of my favorite things is the stand up drum in the living room. Or as the man who sold it to me at Alameda calls it a side table. Hmm really? Looks like a drum to me. Back to my rock'in drum. Today my very furry, very orange cat Fuzzy, has discovered the drum. Discovered that he fits perfectly on the drum and that the view from the top of the drum as he cleans himself is one of the best in the house. He has calculated that if he is able to maintain his position on top of the drum for a bit longer he may even get a bit of sun from the west facing window. So I have heard myself several time today exclaim "Fuzzy GET OFF the DRUM" Does he listen? No he's a cat. A cat who obviously has temporary hearing loss. Don't worry friends, it will soon be cured when I begin to cook some chicken for dinner tonight.

Back to my post. After a few hours of detouring. Thanks PG & E woman for waking up all the kids to tell me that you are going to put some gizmo on my meters so you can monitor my usage from a nice warm seat in front of a computer. Feel a little bad for the meter reader who use to enjoy strolling through neighborhoods ignoring the barking dogs. Hey at least now you don't have to climb through all the palms and over the orange netting at my diggs. Hope your new job and/or re-training retains the excitement and freedom that you enjoyed.
Back to Fuzzy. After a three hour tour one wonders, how does one get a 15+ lb cat off their drum? Oh but Dorthy you had the power all along. Simply click your heels and sit at the computer so he can come sit in your lap of course. Such a simple solution. Now if only I could stand up.
I like that picture of fuzzy sitting on the drum. What a cute kittyyy. :)