So I spent my 4th of July at one of my favorite places. Well, when the weather behaves itself. It was just right. Not too much sun, not too much wind...It was a good one.
Let's start at the beginning. The regular cast of characters. Release the hounds.
Aha look what I spied in the first row. Hmm. It's a surfboard and shelves. Fabulous combo. And it came from a surf shop you say? Well, let me ponder...and I did for 4 rows before I calmly jaunted back for this baby. I know the colors are a bit off my scheme, but I do have a few paint cans in the basement.

Mom almost brought this baby home. He's so cute and tempting. He would look cute on the balcony...or the mermaid cove...or my bedroom...or the living room, or the library. So many options. Nope we were good. Hopefully he found a loving home.

Yummy Lucite. Perfect for displaying all those bracelets.
How do you talk to an angel? Actually how the heck do you get her home? Fortunately this lovely lady already had a sold sign by the time mum spotted her.
Two of my favorite things: this color blue and love.

Time to get my eyes checked. I thought the green things was a telescope. Nope just a beautiful piece of wood attached to a piece of metal for a necklace display. Cool either way. Reminder to self. Don't forget the Sweet Tea!! I smell a project idea. Now let's see.. shoot I wish I had some cute neighbor to spy on..
Doesn't this make you want to set up the lounge chairs in the back with the kiddie pool in the middle and watch some movies beneath the stars?

Speaking of chairs. July was a great month for all you chair whores out there. You know who you are. Cause I keep bumping in to you...

Do you think the sold signs are big enough to see from Outer Space? Lucky B who got these. I hope you're happy knowing that these could have had a very fine home in a mermaid cove at a beach house. But no you had to get to them first.
2 Words GOLDFINGER. Oops my bad, 1 word and really bad singing.

It's a toss up which I like better: the sweet chairs or the poor creatures stuck in the sweet chairs trying desperately to escape. Fly away......
There were a few characters at Alameda:
Ren and Stympy. Okay actually it's just two Rens.

Uh-oh there's a moose on the loose

My sources confirm that these are not, repeat NOT the mice from Cinderella. These are just your plain every day Micky mice. With big ass ears. They can hear cats from miles away.
Would this just be the coolest thing to put candy in at Halloween? Trick him out with a motor and remote control. Put some glow in the dark paint on his white areas. Hello little kids
want some candy? Put a speaker inside. Too many ideas and SWEET in so many ways.

I know where Santa spends the summer. I wonder if he's hot. Word of advise, some shorts and sunscreen? Maybe a little trim of the beard?

Speaking of Christmas. The wee one told me this would be a great Christmas dress (the blue one). Really? I guess we are spending Christmas on a plantation in the South, or 50’s Cuba this year. She would also like the pink luggage.

These piggies were cute enough, but a bit under dressed. I guess the wolf blew down this ones house after he put on his jewelry, but before he put on his underwear. Oh my! Haven't seen anything like that since Key West. Didn't know there was such a thing as Mardi Gras pigs. Put them with yellow Mr m and we could have quite the parade.

Isn't she beautiful? There was a lot of hemming and hawing about purchasing this beauty for the space in front of the mermaid cove. It was a tough decision. I was good. My birthday is coming up soon though. Hint Hint.

I saw two cars that I loved. The first was a bit too small. Unfortunately the other one belongs to someone else and they have the keys.
I don’t know you, but I love your car and would love to have it to drive to Alameda. Thanks
Here are two examples of what happens when you leave purchases alone with the little one. She decorates in unusual ways. I haven't made my mind up on the Virgin Mary and the hula doll. Somewhat sweet and innocent, yet still a bit weird.

HA busted in the act!!
What a fabulous way to end the day..

SsHHH…Amazingly we had no porta potty breaks…I can’t believe it!!! A miracle..

What?? Don’t all your trips to Alameda end up like this???
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